In the previous lecture we created a gazebo simulation model of a custom robot. This lecture will continue from that point, by going through the process of adding a controller interface which makes the model movable through ROS.

General Setup

Before you do this setup, make sure you have done the setup from the previous lecture (Building a Custom Robot Simulation) first.

  1. Inside the ROS package that you created for building your robot simulation model, create a new folder called config.
  2. Inside the config folder create a new file called controller_config.yaml.
  3. In the file of your package add the following line:
    # In order to be able to access the added files during runtime we add we add them to data_files
    # ADD AFTER: ('share/' + package_name, ['package.xml']),
    (os.path.join('share', package_name, 'config'), glob(os.path.join('config', '*.yaml'))),
  4. Create new file in the urdf folder of your ROS package called robot_control.gazebo.xacro.
  5. If you want to use the example robot from the lecture, copy the robot_description.urdf.xacro file from the ros2_students/custom_robot_sim/urdf repository and paste it into the urdf folder of your ROS package. In case you already have a robot_description file in your urdf folder either rename the old file or replace it with the new file.
  6. Inside the robot_description.urdf.xacro file add a reference to the newly created robot_control.gazebo.xacro (rember to add this line after the <robot> tag):
<xacro:include filename="$(find PACKAGE_NAME)/urdf/robot_control.gazebo.xacro" />

Robot Arm

The base structure of the robot_control.gazebo.xacro file should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!--Add gazebo specific definitions here-->

Gazebo Config

Each joint that you plan to use a position command interface with should have the following definition:

<gazebo reference="JOINT_NAME">

We want to be able to move the joints of the robot using ROS2 and therefore define that we want to use the gazebo_ros2_control plugin. As a parameter we have to define the location of the .yaml file that contains configurations for the controller.

    <plugin filename="" name="gazebo_ros2_control">
        <parameters>$(find PACKAGE_NAME)/config/FILENAME.yaml</parameters>

We also have to define what joints will be commandeble by ros2_control. The basic structure of this definition looks like this:

<ros2_control name="GazeboSystem" type="system">

    <!--Add joint command/state interface definitions-->


For each joint we then add a definition of the command and state interfaces available:

<joint name="JOINT_NAME">
    <command_interface name="position">
        <param name="min">-${pi/2}</param>
        <param name="max">${pi/2}</param>
    <state_interface name="position"/>
    <state_interface name="velocity"/>
    <state_interface name="effort"/>


Another example of defining the command interface of a joint is that we can make one joint simpli mimic another e.g. for a gripper where both fingers are supposed to move together:

<joint name="gripper_finger_left_joint">
    <command_interface name="position"/>
    <state_interface name="position"/>
    <state_interface name="velocity"/>
    <state_interface name="effort"/>

<joint name="gripper_finger_right_joint">
    <param name="mimic">gripper_finger_left_joint</param>
    <param name="multiplier">1</param>
    <command_interface name="position"/>
    <state_interface name="position"/>
    <state_interface name="velocity"/>
    <state_interface name="effort"/>

Controller Config

What type of controller will be used on what joints can be defined in your controller_config.yaml. The different types of controllers that are available by default can be found here. First we have to define for the controller manager what type of controllers we want to use:

    update_rate: 100  # H

      type: joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster

      type: joint_trajectory_controller/JointTrajectoryController

      type: forward_command_controller/ForwardCommandController

Joint Trajectory Controller

An example difinition of a joint trajectory controller

      - JOINT_NAME
      - JOINT_NAME
      # ...

      - position

      - position
      - velocity

Gripper Controller

An example definition of a forward command controller:

      - JOINT_NAME

    interface_name: position

Launch File adjustments

To startup your controllers during launch, add the following lines to the launch file for each controller definition:

from launch.actions import ExecuteProcess

#ADD AFTER: def generate_launch_description():
#BUT BEFORE: return LaunchDescription([
    cmd=['ros2', 'control', 'load_controller', '--set-state', 'start','CONTROLLER_NAME'],

#ADD AFTER: return LaunchDescription([

Mobile Platform

Depending on what type of robot you have this part more or less tricky. For a robot with 2 or 4 wheels you can use the plugins in Sections Differential Drive and Skid Steer Drive respectivly. If you have a drone or boat, gazebo classic does not have standard plugins for you. In this case you have 2 options:

  1. Install and setup the PX4 Gazebo Classic Simulations. They different implementations already available, but the setup process can be time consuming.
  2. Abstract the movement behavoiur of your model e.g. if you have a boat add wheels to it to move it around or if you have a drone add 3 primatic joint to move the drone around.

Increasing Friction

If you want to change friction values for a link (e.g. for wheels) you can use the following code snippet:

<gazebo reference="LINK_NAME">
    <fdir1>1 0 0</fdir1>
    <!-- <material>Gazebo/FlatBlack</material> -->

Differential Drive

    <plugin name="mobile_base_controller" filename="">
            <!-- <namespace>/demo</namespace>

            <remapping>odom:=odom_demo</remapping> -->


        <!--1 for differential drive; 2 for skid steer drive-->







Skid Steer Drive

    <plugin name="mobile_base_controller" filename="">
            <!-- <namespace>/demo</namespace>

            <remapping>odom:=odom_demo</remapping> -->


        <!--1 for differential drive; 2 for skid steer drive-->






