In this tutorial, you will be given a short introduction on how ROS is structured and how to navigate in it.

ROS is a Filesystem

ROS2 uses package to organize its programs. ROS2 packages are typically organized within a workspace, which is a directory that contains all of the resources and code needed for a particular project.

ROS2 packages are typically created using the colcon build tool, which is used to manage the dependencies and build process for packages within a workspace.

ROS Workspace Structure

    # my_package structure
    ros2_ws                               # Root Workspace
        └── install                           
        └── build
        └── log
        └── src
            └── my_package                    # Package Name
                ├── action                    # custom ROS Action definitions
                ├── CHANGELOG.rst             # Compliant Changelog
                ├── CMakeLists.txt            # Compilation and Installation steps for C++ Code
                ├── config                    # Configuration files
                ├── CONTRIBUTING              # Contribution Guidelines
                ├── doc                       # Design or other documentation
                ├── include                   # C++ Header files .hpp
                │   └── my_package            # Python Module. Keep the same name of package name
                ├── launch                    # Launch files
                ├── LICENSE                    
                ├── models                    # 3D Models (SDF)
                ├── msg                       # Custom .msg files 
                ├── my_package                # Python modules that can be imported to other ROS packages
                ├── package.xml               # Define the properties of packages and dep
                ├──                 # Package purpose, installation stpe, and Usage
                ├── rviz                      # RVIZ Visualizer files
                ├── scripts                   # Bash scripts 
                ├──                  # Python Module installation steps
                ├── src                       # C++ Source file .cpp
                ├── srv                       # Custome service file
                ├── test                      # Unit test 
                ├── urdf                      # URDF Files
                └── worlds                    # Gazebo world files

So, what you need to know about ROS filesystem so far that:

  • You have a folder called /ros2_ws in your home directory, and you do everything ROS related in this folder.
  • You place/create all the packages in ~/ros2_ws/src/ folder.
  • The folders /install, build and /log are automatically created by colcon build.


What if things gone way too wrong? Don’t worry. You can always delete the folder with your package name under /install and /build folders. Then you can run colcol build on your terminal (remember to be under the ros2_ws directory). CAREFUL! Never delete the files under /src folder! This is where your source code is located and no colcon build can bring them back…