Disclaimer: Linux is probably the most amazing operating system. It is neither easy not effective to teach Linux in a single webpage. The main purpose of this page is to create a shortcut to the commands that we use a lot during this course. We also provide links to nice Linux tutorials if you are interested to improve your skills in Linux system.

Did you know? Recent statistics show that there are 32.8 million Linux users worldwide. 96.3% of the top one million web servers globally use Linux. 65 SpaceX flights were completed using Linux-powered technology. Red Hat Enterprise Linux has a 33.9% global server market share.1 As of April 2023, Android, an operating system using the Linux kernel, is the world’s most-used operating system when judged by web use. 2 The number of Linux users is 32.8 million, in addition to 1.6 billion Android users.3


  • What is terminal vs IDE
    • Divide terminal, new tab, running terminal
    • Ctrl+C
  • How to open terminal
    • Alt+Ctrl+T
    • Left bar
    • Right click in the folder
    • In VS code
  • Commands
    • cd
      • ~ is home
    • ls
    • pwd
    • find
    • grep
    • history
    • mkdir
    • touch
    • gedit
    • code
    • cat
  • Shortcuts
    • Tab autocomplete
    • ctrl+R

    • bashrc and source sh files.

Useful materials:

Python books Websites Youtube videos